Here is where I intentionally take up space.
I love long walks through the airport, good food, hot lattes, and all things beauty. As a self-proclaimed life enthusiast, I'm constantly seeking out new experiences and I'm definitely that friend that takes pictures of everything along the way!
I started this blog to have a personal creative outlet in the digital space to share the exciting things I get into and uncover while on the road of self-discovery in this thing called life.
It's my goal to thrive through my thirties with grace and Godfidence. I’m dedicated to living my best life and plan to share some of what that looks like for me along the way.

Love always,
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff!
Game of Thrones & Breaking Bad.
It's a tie!
What did you want to be growing up?
A detective.
I ended up getting my degree in Advertising instead, but my investigative skills have not gone to waste.
favorite accessory?
Big hoop earrings.
Basic, yet essential.
Pageantry! I'm a former Miss Illinois International. Competing played a pivotal role in helping me become the woman I am today. *pageant wave*
Red lipstick. Preferably the ever-popular, holy grail Ruby Woo by M.A.C.
I’ve personally never seen a woman look bad with a red lip.